You might have noticed, the “old” website and blog once again moved to https://nettyroyalblog.nl/ a few weeks ago. This weekend I finished the new site at https://nettyroyal.nl/, focussing on my work as a royal correspondent. There are also a few more serious and extensive articles I wrote in recent years already. These will disappear from this blog in the future.
However, there is too much here that I don’t want to throw away, especially weddings and for example the pages about royal houses and the old news. I however threw away the new books – no time – and old genealogical facts, as by now they should be available everywhere. Any suggestions for this website are welcome too. What would you really keep on this site? What is not at all interesting, or already to be found elsewhere?
While I continue this blog, I also have https://onroyaltour.nl/, focussing on travelling and exhibitions. I really hope to see many of you there too, although more should be posted there. Feedback would be lovely, or recommendations.
Gelukgewenst met je carrière. Met veel belangstelling de adellijke bruiloften bekeken.