For more new books about royalty see:
Author: Siegfried Hetz.
Title: Mit Macht und Pracht. Burgen, Schlösser und Klöster im fürsterzbischöflichen Salzburg (With Power and Splendour. Castles, Palaces and Monasteries in the Prince Archbishop’s Salzburg).
Published: February 2018 by the Verlag Anton Pustet.
Language: German.
Author: Rita Radetzky.
Title: Stinzen, States en Buitenplaatsen in Friesland (Estates and Country Houses in Friesland).
Presented: 2 February 2018 by the Stichting Staten en Stinzen.
Language: Dutch.
Author: Sylvain Cordier.
Title: Napoleon. The Imperial Household.
Published: 21 February 2018 by Yale University Press.
Language: English.
Author: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bonn (ed.).
Title: Parkomanie. Die Gartenlandschaften des Fürsten Pücklers (Parkomania. The Landscape Gardens of Fürst Pückler).
Published: 12 February 2018 by the Prestel Verlag.
Language: German.
Author: Felicia Rosu.
Title: Elective Monarchy in Transylvania and Poland-Lithuania, 1569-1587.
Published: February 2018 by Oxford University Press (their website says December 2017).
Language: English.
Author: Annejet van der Zijl.
Title: Die amerikanische Prinzessin
Published: February 2018 at Verlag Theiss.
Language: German. The original book was published in Dutch in November 2015.
The story reconstructs the life of Allene Tew, godmother of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Her fourth husband was Prince Heinrich XXXIII Reuss zu Köstritz, her fifth husband Count Paul Kotzebue.
Author: Daniel A. Willis.
Title: The Romanoffs. 100 Years Later.
Published: 27 February 2018.
Language: English.
Author: P.J. Schipperus.
Title: Philips Willem, de verloren zoon van Willem van Oranje (Philip Willem, the lost son of William of Orange).
Published: 20 February 2018 by Omniboek.
Language: Dutch.
Author: Andrew Morton.
Title: Wallis in Love.The Untold life of of the Duchess of Windsor, the woman who changed the monarchy.
Published: 13 February 2018 by Grand Central Publishing.
Language: English.
Author: Caitlin C. Gillespie.
Title: Boudica. Warrior Woman of Roman Britain.
Published: February/March 2018 by Oxford University Press.
Language: English.
Author: David Johnson.
Title: Battle Royal: Monarchists vs. Republicans and the Crown of Canada.
Published: 13 February 2018 by Durdurn.
Language: English
Author: James Pope-Hennessy (†), ed. by Hugo Vickers.
Title: The Quest for Queen Mary.
Published: February 2018 by Zuleika London.
Language: English.
Pope-Hennessy was the official biographer of Queen Mary. He interviewed royals and courtiers and kept private and confidential files of these. These are now being published, with introductions and footnotes by Hugo Vickers to the figures that were interviewed.
Author: Christina Oxenberg, daughter of Princess Elisabeth.
Title: Dynasty: A true story.
Published: 15 February 2018 by Quartet Books.
Language: English.