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Author: Leopold Altenburg.
Title: Der Kaiser und sein Sonnenschein. Geschichten meines Großvaters Erzherzog Clemens und meines Vaters Prinz Peter (The Emperor and his sunshine. Stories of my grandfather Archduke Clemens and my father Prince Peter).
Publication: 18 March 2019 by Goldegg Verlag.
Language: German.
Author: Katrin Unterreiner.
Title: Luziwuzi. Das provokante Leben des Kaiserbruders Ludwig Viktor (Luziwuzi. The provocative life of Ludwig Viktor, Brother of the Emperor).
Publication: 27 March 2019 by Modeln Verlag (Verlagsgruppe Styria).
Language: German.
Authors: Ilsebill Barta, Marlene Ott-Wodni and Alena Skrabanek.
Title: Repräsentation und (Ohn)Macht: die Wohnkultur der habsburgischen Prinzen im 19. Jahrhundert – Kaiser Maximilian von Mexiko, Kronprinz Rudolf, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und ihre Schlösser (Representation and (lack of) power: the living culture of the Habsburg princes in the 19th century – Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, Crown Prince Rudolf, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and their castles).
Publication: 11 March 2019 by Böhlau Wien.
Language: German.
Authors: Hubert Matt-Willmatt and Heinz Linke (photographer).
Title: Via Habsburg. Auf den Spuren einer europäischen Dynastie. Deutschland-Frankreich-Schweiz-Österreich (Via Habsburg. In the Footsteps of a European Dynasty. Germany-France-Switzerland-Austria).
Publication: 1 March 2019 by Tyrolia.
Language: German.
Author: Robert Bouchal and Johannes Sachslehner.
Title: VerSCHLOSSen: Die verborgene Welt der Adelssitze rund um Wien (Locked: The hidden world of the noble seats around Vienna).
Publication: 27 March 2019 by Styria Verlag.
Language: German.
Author: Josephine Wilkinson.
Title: Louis XIV. The Power and the Glory.
Publication: 5 March 2019 by Pegasus Books/Amberley Publishing.
Language: English.
Author: Fadi El Hage.
Title: Le sabordage de la noblesse. Mythe et réalité d’une décadence (The scuttling of the nobility. Myth and reality of a decadence).
Publication: 13 March 2019 by Passés Composés.
Language: French.
Author: Jennifer Orkin Lewis.
Title: All Hail the Queen: Twenty Women Who Ruled.
Publication: 5 March 2019 by Chronicle Books.
Language: English.
Author: Henner Kotte.
Title: Populäre sächsische Hofgeschichten (Popular Saxon Court Histories).
Publication: 21 March 2019 by Bild und Heimat Verlag.
Language: German.
Author: Undiné Radzevicúté.
Title: Das Blut ist blau (The Blood is Blue).
Publication: 12 March 2019 by Residenz.
Language: German.
Author: Tobias Pietsch.
Title: Führende Gruppierungen im spätmittelalterlichen Niederadel Mecklenburgs (Leading groups in the late medieval lower nobility of Mecklenburg).
Publication: 31 March 2019 by Solivagus-Verlag.
Language: German.
Authors: Sander Schimmelpenninck, Rube van Zwieten.
Title: Elite gezocht.
Publication: 22 March 2019 by Prometheus.
Language: Dutch.
Author: Barry Strauss.
Title: Ten Caesars. Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine.
Publication: 21 March 2019 by Simon & Schuster.
Language: English.
Author: Silvia Irina Zimmermann.
Title: “Die Feder in der Hand bin ich eine ganz andre Person”. Carmen Sylva (1843-1916). Leben und Werk (With the pen in my hand I am a completely different person”. Carmen Sylva (1843-1916). Life and work).
Publication: 29 March 2019 by Ibidem Verlag.
Language: German.
Editors: John Hattendorf, Åsa Karlsson, Augustus Veenendaal, Margriet Lacy-Bruijn, Rolof van Hövell tot Westerflier.
Title: Charles XII, Warrior King.
Publication: 1 March 2019 by Karwansaray Publishers.
Language: English.
Author: Anna Pasternak.
Title: The Real Wallis Simpson. A New History of the American Divorcee Who Became the Duchess of Windsor.
Publication: 5 March 2019/7 March 2019 by Atria Books/HarperCollins.
Language: English.
Author: Judith Lissauer Cromwell.
Title: Good Queen Anne. Appraising the Life and Reign of the last Stuart Monarch.
Publication: 30 March 2019 by McFarland.
Language: English.
Author: Thomas Kielinger.
Title: Die Königin. Elisabeth I. und der Kampf um England (The Queen. Elizabeth I and the Fight for England).
Publication: 14 March 2019 by C.H. Beck.
Language: German.
Author: Lauren Johnson.
Title: Shadow King. The Life and Death of Henry VI.
Publication: 7 March 2019 by Head of Zeus.
Language: English.
Author: Catherine Hanley.
Title: Mathilda. Empress, Queen, Warrior.
Publication: 12 March 2019 by Yale University Press.
Language: English.
Author: Michael John Key.
Title: Edward the Elder. King of the Anglo-Saxons, Forgotten Son of Alfred.
Publication: 15 March 2019 by Amberley Publishing.
Language: English.
Author: Rodney Laredo.
Title: Informally Royal. Studio Lisa and the Royal Family 1936-1966.
Publication: 1 March 2019 by The History Press (the date seems to have changed several times already)
Language: English.