For more new books about royalty see:
Author: Sandrine Fillipetti (ed.).
Title: Captives sous la Terreur. Louise-Emmanuelle de Châtillon, princesse de Tarente, Grace Dalrymple Elliott (Captives under Terror. Louise-Emmanuelle de Châtillon, Princess of Tarente, Grace Dalrymple Elliott).
Publication: 13 May 2021 by Mercure de France.
Language: French.
Author: Antje Windgassen.
Title: Königin Olga. Die Zarentochter auf dem württembergischen Thron (Queen Olga. The daughter of the Czar at the throne of Württemberg).
Publication: 10 May 2021 by Südverlag.
Language: German.
Author: Carmelo Cipriani (ed.).
Title: I disegni del re. L’educazione all’arte di Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia (The drawings of the king. The art education of Vittorio Emanuele III of Savoy).
Publication: 13 May 2021 by Gamgemi Editore.
Language: Italian.
Author: Giuseppe Conte.
Title: Maestà Maria Pia di Savoia.
Publication: 18 May 2021 by Editrice Il Punto Piemonte in Bancarella.
Language: Italian.
Author: Marina Pina.
Title: Pilar & Margarita. Las hermanas del rey Juan Carlos (Pilar & Margarita. The sisters of King Juan Carlos).
Publication: 19 May 2021 by La Esfera de los Libros S.L.
Language: Spanish.
Author: Sara Navas.
Title: La monarquía al desnudo: Del rey que nació en un retrete al soberano playboy (The naked monarchy: From the king who was born in a toilet to the sovereign playboy).
Publication: 24 May 2021 by Los Libros de la Catarata.
Language: Spanish.
Authors: Rodolfo Vera Calderón and Paula Galloni.
Title: Máxima. La construcción de una reina (Máxima. The making of a queen).
Publication: 1 May 2021 by Plaza & Janes.
Language: Spanish.
Author: Ronald de Graaf.
Title: Friso. Het tragische leven van Johan Willem Friso 1687-1711.
Publication: 18 May 2021 by Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam.
Language: Dutch.
Author: Robert Jobson.
Title: Prince Philip’s Century. The extraordinary life of the Duke of Edinburgh.
Publication: 13 May 2021 by Ad Lib Publishers Ltd.
Language: English.
Author: Hugo Vickers.
Title: Malice in Wonderland. My adventures in the world of Cecil Beaton.
Publication: 13 May 2021 by Hodder & Stoughton.
Language: English.