Photo taken by Netty at Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, 17 December 2016.
Oops … The Life of a Castleholic 2016
This afternoon Castleholic‘s Svenja said on Twitter: “I just did the maths for an upcoming post: I visited 19 castles and palaces this year – at what point do you start calling it an addiction?” History of Royal Women‘s Moniek replied: “I visited 42 things, of which 22 were a castle or palace. I am […]
New Royal Postcards (1)
Any royal postcard collectors among my visitors? I just have a small collection of cards, either with royals (old and new) or palaces/castles on it. My mother gave me these postcards recently, likely dating from the 1950s to the 1970s. The first black-white postcard shows the castles of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The poststamps […]
Old scrapbooks
Recently someone gave me two old notebooks, one had supposedly been used at primary school for arithmatic, the other for presentation. Inside I found totally different things. Funny how these notebooks were used over and over again, as one contains something that looks like an account book or recipes. But on top of all the […]
My First Royal Meeting
Photos copyrighted I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw my mailbox this afternoon: King and Queen tp pay regional visit to Northwest Friesland on Monday 13 June 2016. It is the area in the Netherlands my parents originally come from, where part of my roots are. But of course they wouldn’t … but […]
Two (Three) Happy Queens
Here the newest additions to my collection. It must at least have been a year ago that I acquired Queen Silvia of Sweden (in the middle). On Sunday a friend gave me Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain as a gift. And I decided to buy Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands myself, after I found […]
Stavoren – my “own” exhibition
Yesterday afternoon my mother and I took the train to the small Friesian town of Stavoren. Luckily it wasn’t too cold, but also not as warm as the previous 1 1/2 week had been. It was somewhat colder than on 14 June 2013, but I don’t think it was less windy. Some months ago a […]
How do you manage your royal collection?
I am sure this sounds pretty familiar to lots of other collectors with just limited space in their house. Once in a while I look around in my house and think it is really time to clean up the mess. That moment came again this week. Piles of magazines and other stuff collected in the […]
Celebrating 33 years as a royalty watcher
Usually I wouldn’t even have thought about it. But with the Queen having announced her abdication on Monday, it just occured to me on Thursday that I was actually celebrating my 33th anniversary as a royalty watcher. I am not quite sure whether that was the real starting date, but I think so. On 31 […]
My new blog
Surely people have been wondering when the news at my website would finally be updated again. To be honest, it has become more and more difficult to update the news in the past two years. I have been keeping up with the royal news on my website for almost fourteen years, and I think it […]