What would you do, if only was known a royal wedding was to take place, not too far from your house early July? Right! My friends Gabi and Stefan just gave it a chance, and on Saturday 4 July 2015 headed to Salem Castle in Salem, Germany, early that day. And they were lucky. And although it was said Prince Michael von Baden and Christina Höhne would get married in family circle, there was a bit of press around, and of course visitors of the castle (which is open to the public) had a look too.
Prince Michael von Baden met Christina Höhne six years ago. He was born in 1976 as the youngest of the children of Margrave Max von Baden (* 1933) and his wife née Archduchess Valerie of Austria (* 1941). She is the youngest child of Claus Höhne and his wife née Herlinde Geiger, and is reportedly one years younger than the groom. Michael is since 2009 the chief of the “Markgräflich Badischen Verwaltung” and general deputy. She is “Diplom-Ingenieurin für Innenarchitektur” (certificated engineer for interior designer) and worked for an architect office in München, and since a year works in a creative agency near the Bodensee. She grew up near Stuttgart.
The couple got married in the Betsaal of Salem Castle in the afternoon. At 3.30pm they showed up in the Novizenhof of the castle. The bride wore a white dress with a lace top.
They had invited about 200 guests for the wedding. Among the guests were Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianne von Baden with their son and one of their daughters, Prince El Hassan and Princess Sarvath of Jordan, Duchess Elizabeth in Bavaria and Daniel Terberger, Count Moritz von Goëss and his wife Fleur née Duchess von Württemberg, Fürst Andreas and Fürstin Alexandra zu Leiningen with Hereditary Prince Ferdinand, Prince Andreas and Princess Luise zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Jean and Tatiana Fruchaud (Greece), Count Karl zu Solms-Laubach, and Archduke Markus Salvator of Austria (Tuscany) with his family.
I knew about their engagement, not sure about the wedding. Thanks a lot for sharing xxx