The opening of the Frida Kahlo exhibition in the afternoon of 7 October in Assen by Queen Máxima of the Netherlands would surely have been a more exciting engagement. But with a busy weekend coming, I decided not to go. In the early morning King Willem-Alexander also travelled north, and as the Martini Church in Groningen is less than 10 minutes by bike, I had a quick look at his arrival, before doing some necessary shopping and head back home to continue working.
The King gave the opening speech of the symposium “Wind meets Gas” (here the speech in English). I nearly missed his arrival in a blue hydrogen car, which he drove himself, as I was looking in the other direction. But luckily he passed me on such a short distance that I saw him sitting behind the wheel and could photograph him when getting out of the car. The photos were not great quality, but at first I thought it was the fog that morning. It turned out this weekend, that the shop where I had the camera cleaned earlier that week had changed some camera settings. Remind me that I have to check the camera the next time I let them do that.
Hi Netty
Tough choice between royal events.
Your pictures of W-A turned out well, especially the one of him waving!