There are always new things to discover online. Sophie of All Things Royal recently posted a Google map with castles she had visited and wants to visit. How many palaces, castles, ruins, towers, bigger and smaller estates, etc. did I actually visit in my whole life? I really wouldn’t know. Quite a lot I’d say. […]
Haunted Royal Palaces and Castles
Halloween, All Saint’s Day, just the right time for a spooky post. Often royal palaces and castles are old. There are many stories going around about ghosts haunting these buildings, sometimes friendly, sometimes they are not. A palace without a moat is like a palace without a ghost. This is of course just a very […]
Royal and Noble Genealogy Books
Nowadays a lot of information can be found online, but not everything and there are still wonderful genealogy books being published with extensive royal and noble genealogies that are a must to have for royal and noble genealogists. They don’t come cheap, but some are really worth buying. The original “Almanach de Gotha” was published […]
Castles in Czechia
As I wrote earlier this week I have been to a holiday fair here in Groningen last weekend. On Friday I received a package from Jellie of CeskySight, whom I had met there. They rent holiday houses and apartments in Czechia, but their website (in Dutch) also has lots of information about Czechia itself. I […]