For more new books about royalty see: AUSTRIA Title: Kaiserin Elisabeth. Ungewöhnlich war sie zu allen ZeitenAuthors: Hannes Etzlstorfer, Philipp IlmingPublication date: 15 May 2023Publisher: KRALLanguage: German NORWAY Title: Ingrid Alexandras arv. Kongefamiliens tiaraer og kvinnene som har båret dem: en historie om krig, kjærlighet, makt og prakt gjennom 250 årAuthor: Trond Norén IsaksenPublication date: […]
Book tip! The Assassination of the Archduke
When there is one book you should read at the moment it is “The Assassionation of the Archduke. Sarajevo 1914 and the Murder that Changed the World” by Greg King and Sue Woolmans. On 28 June it is 100 years ago that Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Austrian Crown Prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife […]