Tag: Jordi Canal

New royal and noble books – October 2023 Copyright: TuendeBede at Pixabay / Trinity Library, Dublin, Ireland
Books & Magazines, Media & Co

New royal and noble books – October 2023

For more new books about royalty see: BELGIUM Title: Judith, de eerste gravin van VlaanderenAuthor: Karen DierickxPublication date: 18 October 2023Publisher: Pelckmans uitgeverijLanguage: Dutch FRANCE Title: Louise de Savoie, Régente et mère du roiAuthor: Aubrée David-ChapyPublication date: 11 October 2023Publisher: Passes ComposesLanguage: French FRANCE Title: Le Grand Condé. Les secrets d’un hérosAuthor: Béatrix de L’AulnoitPublication […]

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