Just south of the city of Leeuwarden, Province of Friesland, very close to the Martenastate, you’ll find the Dekemastate in the village of Jelsum. The former noble estate nowadays is a museum. The Dekemastate is one of the oldest castles in Friesland, dating back to the 14th century, when it was built as a defendable […]
States in Friesland: The Martenastate
Although I still haven’t seen all noble estates in the province of Groningen, on Saturday I went cycling in the province of Friesland next door, where manors are not called “borg” like in Groningen, but “state”. As I wanted to visit the grave of my great-great-grandparents in Stiens, north of the capital city of Leeuwarden, […]
Laarwoud – A noble manor in Zuidlaren
This summer I visited friends. As my friend has a lego exhibition at the Brink Hotel right now, I of course had to see it. After our visit we walked through the village, or rather around Laarwoud. Surrounded by trees this (former) noble manor – in the province of Drenthe they call it a havezate […]